Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Peanut Candy ~ Harga Borong!

Salam readers..

First of all, terima kasih kepada sesiapa yg bertanya pasal peanut candy ke saya beberapa bulan ni..dan sedia maklum 2-3 bulan ni, saya tak dapat amik order untuk peanut candy / pati delima atas sebab2 tertentu.. maaf sgt sgt.


Ni nak inform..skrang kami open order untuk peanut candy! dan.. khas untuk orang2 Johor, kalau sesiapa nak order Peanut candy untuk raya,  jom order skrang. Penghantaran se-awal hari Sabtu ni! Free of charge (Larkin , Skudai).

Johor - Sila order selewat2nya esok ye (11/7/14), ari Jumaat malam kami nak bergerak ke johor dah ;)

#peanutcandyjohor #peanutcandy

Untuk kawasan2 lain,penghantaran melalui pos ye..

Harga seperti di bawah:

bawah 10 kg = RM25/kg
10 kg ke atas = RM 23/kg
50 kg ke atas = RM 22/kg

Murah2 je..harga borong .. peminat peanut candy johor, jom order!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Peanut Candy - Khas untuk Ramadhan dan Hari Raya

Update: 10/01/2021 
Dah tak menjual.


Assalamualaikum readers...

Peanut Candy untuk disajikan kepada tetamu atau dijadikan gift pack. Sesuai untuk Ramadhan & Raya yang bakal menjelang, nak jadikan door gift untuk majlis perkahwinan pun cantek ;)

RM 25 / kg 
*minimum order 2kg*

Harga borong 10 KG - RM 240
Harga tidak termasuk penghantaran ye. 

Namun kami ada menyediakan penghantaran percuma di sekitar Skudai, Johor Bahru, ShahAlam, Kemuning.

Khidmat penghantaran melalui : PosLaju, PosDomestik. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

WoodenToys - Promotion Price! Murah2

Update: 10/1/2021

Dah tak menjual

Assalamualaikum readers,

As promised, here are first batch of wooden toys special for your kids!


More will come...InsyAllah. 
If you have any specific toys needed, do inform me. I'll try my very best to find it for you ;)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Educational Wooden Toys

Assalamualaikum readers,

Would like to announce, they will be NEW product in da house - Educational wooden toys for your little one!

And, as a start, there will be Opening promotion price for all of you. Will upload list of wooden toys available in my next post. Wait ya ;)

Enhance children development, educational toys will allow them to constantly practice their cognitive skills, motor skills and five senses.

(credit to :

  1. They involve your child. By this I mean your child must physically interact with the toy, there is no button to press, then your child sits back and watches it do it’s thing. Your child must manually push, pull, turn, or connect parts of the wooden toy. This leads to a more active mind.
  2. Less chemical toxicity. Wooden toys do not contain plastics or other toxins usually found in toys. They are made of natural materials and hence are safer for your child in this respect.
  3. Texture. Your child will be able to explore the various bumps and grains of wooden toys. They will be sanded down and some may even be slightly painted, but the texture is still different than a completely smooth piece of plastic.
  4. Less impact on the environment. Wooden toys require wood, possibly glue or screws and occasionally some paint. This is far less impact on the environment than plastics and batteries containing such chemicals as (dependant on battery manufacture and whether rechargeable or not) zinc chloride, alkaline, lithium, NiMH and lead acid. Plastics take hundreds of years to degrade, wood takes years, or a few days if you throw some termites (white ants) on them :) The manufacture of plastic also requires vast amounts of resources. Wood has less resource cost especially if it comes from sustainable plantations.
  5. Less danger. Swallowing a battery can be harmful or fatal. Swallowing small pieces of plastic is also a health hazards from the chemical leakage while it is in your child’s body. Wooden toys do not have anything this harsh on or in them.
  6. Can be used for generations. Wooden toys tend to last generations, where as plastic toys, even with the long lifespan of plastic, tend to get broken and thrown in the bin. An example is with my children, playing on a rocking horse that is over 50 years old. It has had some minor repairs, but it brings kids joy today as it did 50 years ago. I imagine this will be used for many more generations.
  7. The learn more. Toys in where your child presses a button and it tells them the alphabet or says I love you, will be no where near as much as they would learn having to interact with a toy. Learning to control and move things and actually having to think to interact will teach them far more valuable things at that stage in their life. Alphabets should be learnt in the real world with you explaining them and showing them how they are applied in things such as books and signs. I don’t think I really need to say this, but the only place a child should be hearing the words I love you, is from their family.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ahlan Wa Sahlan..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Dah bersawang blog ni. Dah masuk 2014 pun.

Alhamdulillah, selamat sudah adik Shafy lafir ke dunia pada 16/12/13 yang lepas. Sejak dah nak time bersalin sampai la la ni, bz memanjang, sambil2 berehat dan berpantang. Dah 3 bulan pun, next week dah nak masuk office.

Dalam 3 bulan ni, maaf lah mmg blog ni x ter update, dan maaf sangat2 pada sesiapa yang ada contact pasal Pati Delima, masalah hp dan masalah kesihatan yg tak menggalakkan jadi ada sesetengah tu tak dapat saya reply. Ampun ye! :(

Apa2 pun, since tgh settle down dgn new routine nie ( mmg havoc la ada 2 hero!) , mana2 yang order Pati Delima insy kami cuba usahakan. Buat masa ni, COD di kawasan Johor Bahru / Skudai masih berjalan seperti biasa.

Harga Borong maintain RM12/botol = RM288 1karton (24 botol). Free Delivery area JB/Skudai (Ahad - Kamis).

Owh, ada yg tanya dari S'pore. Kalo anda dari Spore, boleh meet up kat kawasan2 berdekatan, so boleh jimat kat harga post kan ;)

Ada yg sms sy bertanya samada orang mengandung boleh minum pati ni. Boleh ker?
A: Ye boleh, di antara khasiat nye boleh menaikkan hb dalam badan, dengan izin Allah jua.
